Cerner Optimization: What You Need to Know

Jun 16, 2016 8:30:00 AM · by David Kushan

Cerner Optimization

The first step in moving a healthcare organization toward the forefront of electronic medical records (EMR) is to make the decision to implement a solution such as Cerner. Implementation, however, is just the first step. Once the GO LIVE is accomplished, the work of optimization begins in earnest.

In order to ensure your organization is getting the greatest benefit from the Cerner solution, it is imperative that the organization look at the optimization plan from the beginning, even before implementation begins, so that it is an integral part of the plan from the get go.  There should be a cycle of optimization that begins immediately after implementation. Only through maintaining and optimizing the solution is a healthcare organization able to realize the full value of the investment.

Here is a look at some of the things any organization needs to know when it comes to Cerner optimization.

Efficiency Evolves

During the first few months after a Cerner implementation there are bound to be challenges and wins that land outside of initial expectations. With that in mind, optimization is one key way to assess expectations after an initial results period, then adjust the system in order to reach peak efficiency based on the new expectations.

The idea that definitions of efficiency and workflows will change after implementation is to be expected, but many organizations fail to take the time to reassess their solutions and truly optimize. Only by reviewing pre-implementation expectations and initial data can an organization truly benefit from the full value of solution like Cerner.

Maximize Buy-In

Another challenge that can arise, especially in the early days after a Cerner solution implementation, is a lack of full implementation by the end users. This can happen when an organization rolls out the solution in phases and there are challenges in the first days after that rollout.

There is a tendency for departments to resist an implementation—or at least attempt to delay usage—when challenges happen in other areas. This can especially happen in reporting or administrative areas, where workflows are so dependent on systems.

With solid communication plans and properly executed optimization roadmaps adjustments can be made and improvements seen very quickly. This can help alleviate some of the resistance and bring more areas of the organization online smoothly. Each department or area that rolls out the optimized solution only serves to benefit the organization as a whole, as well as increasing efficiency and workflow continuity.

Eye on The Future

Many organizations look at optimization through a backward-facing lens, believing the goal of optimization is to fix issues that arise with any implementation. In fact, the opposite is more apt.

While optimization services are geared toward adjusting the solution in order to face challenges that might arise, the broader goal of any optimization is to assess tomorrow’s needs today. Many healthcare organizations have been caught behind the times—or beyond their own size—through a lack of ability to work proactively and implement the necessary changes before they become major issues.

The proper optimization of a Cerner solution will expose needs for additional or adjusted services as the signs of change first become apparent. In this way, optimization serves a much greater long-term purpose—‚one that will benefit the organization to a much greater degree than simply going through an assessment cycle every few years.

Implementing an EMR solution such as Cerner is a massive undertaking for even smaller healthcare organizations. In order to get the most out of the solution, it is imperative that the organization look at the optimization plan from the beginning, even before implementation begins, so that it is an integral part of the plan from the get go.

Ready to move forward with a Cerner optimization project? Download our eBook today to learn the secret for success.

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